A Few Words
According to Aristotle the art of rhetoric and transferring knowledge to other people is charisma and obligation at the same time. Based in my 38 years experience on topics such HRM and leadership we will travel together, hand in hand. The venture is ambitious, with high demands, and tested. The route is arduous and exciting at the same time. It has dilemmas and challenges, setbacks and disappointments, the blessing of discovery but also the satisfaction of seeing your effort come to fruition.My relationship with personnel teaching/training began in 1986 with my entry into the Hellenic Military Academy. One of the most important and valuable trainings we received was to learn how to approach the person to be trained, regardless of gender, characteristics, culture, and age. Personnel training has never been and never will be a ready-to-serve dish….it needs a lot of preparation before serving if the chances of contagiousness and persuasion need to be increased.
My Master’s degree in Human Resource and Organizational Behaviour (HR+OB) from the Cyprus International Institute of Management (C.I.I.M), where I graduated in 2010 with Distinction Prize, as well as my PhD from Cyprus University of technology (C.U.T./ TEPAK), with a thesis entitled “Human Resource Practices, Innovation and Productivity in Organizations. The role of personnel trust and commitment’’, is directly interwoven with the following topics.
During the 38 years of my military career, I served as an Officer in administrative, managerial, and foreign countries positions. In addition, I participated in various and numerous missions. I managed and trained thousands of people of various categories, ages, genders, cultures, nationalities, under normal and adverse conditions. Relatively and compared to other colleagues, I had many more years as a commander, being my choice of course, since it was and is closer to my nature, my beliefs, and my temperament as a person. Leadership was a challenge for me. Adaptability on a case-by-case basis in HR management has been the cornerstone of my successful career.
In the area of the National Guard, I have been distinguished and honoured for several innovative and leadership interventions by my superiors. I quote part of their verbatim. (the originals are available to anyone interested)
I congratulate ……… because he organized the Units, trained the personnel, adapted the environment, coordinated the operation, which was distinguished by originality, attracted the interest of all participants regardless of age, knowledge, social level. I present him as an example to follow
I congratulate ……… because as a Commander he worked quietly, methodically, with extraordinary zeal, interest with foresight and dedication…….and achieved excellent results in a relatively short period of time in extraordinary repeated evaluations by a committee. Possessed of a high sense of responsibility and professionalism, he is fully recognized by his superiors.
I congratulate ……… because he organized a school of reserve soldiers (45 years plus), which stood out in terms of originality, introducing innovations that contributed to its modernization and upgrading, eliciting favourable comments……… in addition, he managed with the appropriate approach and handling of the personnel to………. a fact which fairly and unequivocally confirms that the said Officer is gifted with leadership qualities.
Apart from my collaboration with specific Universities , i participated in several conferences, forums, , personnel trainings, in various committees of the European Union and other countries, with the latest, the collaboration with the Swiss Military Academy {Military Academy (MILAC) at ETH Zurich (+ 12 other countries)} and the Springer publishing house for the preparation of a book with title “Comparative analysis of military leadership concepts” which will be released/publicized within 2024.
Additional details are listed in my CV.
Thank you for your time.
“Enjoy the flight above the clouds!”
Brigadier-General (rtd ) Michael A. Michalakis PhD
Why Us
Army Brigadier General with over 30 years in administrative + positions of responsibilities
MSc holder in Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior (Distinction Prize) from the Cyprus International Institute of Management (C.I.I.M)
PhD holder from the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT/TEPAK)
Many years of experience in managing various categories of personnel from 18-60 years old
Teaching experience in several universities
Participation in foreign forums + discussion panels + European Union committees.
Member of group of experts (from 15 European Union countries) where they wrote/edited a book about leadership issues/skills in Switzerland
Personal mentor to individual/branded entrepreneurs
What We Offer
We offer, based on your needs/requirements, support in topics such human resources management, organizational behavior, upgrade of leadership skills. …. and we recommend
We start with a preliminary discussion for an initial assessment of the necessary requirements
Which is the main target
Time available?
A short survey to establish real needs and not wishful thinking, and then….
Design of the personalized group/individual program.

Topics For Employee Training And Development
Performing activities under time pressure.
Convince of the necessity of your proposal and not imposing it, due to your position.
Managing toxic but necessary partners
Talent retention,but at what cost.
What do you want to become in 5 years? What are you willing to sacrifice for it?
Manage clicks in the workspace.
Business leaders WAR Academy ***
Perfect employee but overly stressed. How to manage him
Personalized analysis of personnel motivation elements.
Work demands + personal life. Ways of balancing.
Relationship between ideal weight and workplace productivity.
For every problem there is a solution or are you the one with the problem?
Absolute time schedules or flexibility?
Need/requirement, or waste of time?
Management of partners with different specificities.
Problem solver or problem maker?
What type of leader do you want to be…. sociable, responsible, rigid, absolute, flexible or koumbaros?
Right person in the right place, but how…?
Employee Satisfaction – Key to Business Success
Importance and necessity of personnel training.
Human Resource practices that effect organizational performance.
How do you gain commitment and trust of personnel based on the S-A model.
How do smartphones + mobile devices affect workplace productivity?

Training Places
On premises of your business
In hotel/conference center rooms.
In a place where the customer feels comfortable

Quote Corner
Quotes and sayings serve to encapsulate wisdom, motivation, and life lessons in concise, memorable expressions. Their purpose is to inspire and uplift, offering guidance during challenges and fostering a positive mindset. The most times they prompt reflection and encourage personal growth.
The people you should fear are not those who disagree with you, but those who disagree with you and are afraid to tell you. Napoleon
Five dangerous faults for a general: If he is bold, his men will be killed. If he is a coward, his army will be captured. If he is irritable, he will react out of anger. If he is conceited, he can be deceived. If he is attached to his men, he will hesitate at the critical moment. Sun Tzu
Coaches who can draw a game on the board are plentiful. Those who win, enter the player’s soul and arouse him. Lombardi
It is more effective to pull people than to push them. Like a piece of string: pull the string and it will follow you wherever you want. Push him and he won’t go anywhere. General Eisenhauer
It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. Russian anonymous
Never tell people how to do something. Tell them what to do and they will amaze you with their ingenuity. General Patton
If you want to make everyone happy, Don’t be a leader, Sell ice cream. Steve Jobs
If opportunity doesn’t knock, built a door. Milton Berle
Anyone can get angry, it’s easy. But to get angry with the right person, to the right degree, for the right reason, at the right time, and in the right way, that is not at all easy – Aristotle
The leadership general equation: Instinct + Experience + Knowledge + Flexibility. Brigadier General M. A. Michael PhD
For every problem mentioned by each of your associates, they should have three documented proposals ready. If not………. ask them to come back prepared. Brigadier General M. A. Michael PhD
Partner/employee who accuses you, his colleague, will not hesitate to accuse you personally when his interests are aligned. Brigadier General M. A. Michael PhD
You must reward only persons who exceeded your expectations. The rest can roll up their sleeves. Brigadier General M. A. Michael PhD
Two same mistakes, at the same day, at the same time, by two different person, want different management. Brigadier General M. A. Michael PhD